Thursday, February 25, 2010
Nabi Muhammad SAW di dalam Kitab Injil
Salam Maulidur Rasul...
Nabi Muhammad SAW di dalam kitab injil.
Program Tautan Kasih MRA-MSU-JHEOA
Program Tautan Kasih ialah sebuah program anjuran Malaysian Relief Agency (MRA), Management and Science University (MSU) dan JHEOA yang mensasarkan masyarakat Orang Asli di Pos Bersih, Kg Ulu Slim, Slim River Perak pada 19 hb Februari - 21 hb Februari 2010 yang lepas.
Program ini bertujuan untuk mendekatkan masyarakat terutama warga kampus MSU dengan orang asli dan dalam waktu yang sama memberi motivasi kepada anak-anak orang asli untuk bersama-sama meningkatkan pendidikan mereka.
Modul program direka oleh Sahabat MRA iaitu En Rezaidi dan Cik Linda yang merupakan pegawai daripada Institut Intergriti Malaysia. Modul yang sangat berkesan ini dibahagikan kepada 3 kumpulan sasaran iaitu golongan ibu, golongan bapa dan golongan anak.
Para pelajar dari MSU dibahagikan kepada 3 kampung utama iaitu Kg Bersih 1, Bersih 2 dan Bersih 3. Seterusnya di dalam kampung tersebut, kumpulan ini dipecahkan lagi kepada beberapa kumpulan kecil untuk menjalankan modul yang dirancang dengan lebih effektif.
Dalam masa yang sama, kumpulan perubatan dari Biro Kesihatan ABIM dan Hospital Pakar Al-Islam yang diketuai oleh saya sendiri bergerak masuk dalam sela waktu yang tertentu di kampung-kampung tersebut untuk menjalankan klinik-klinik bergerak.
Alhamdulillah, program ini saya kira sangat berjaya. Buat kali pertama saya melihat hampir 300 lebih orang asli keluar dari penempatan mereka untuk menjayakan majlis penutup program. Insyaallah akan ada lagi program seumpama ini diadakan oleh MRA bagi memastikan kelansungan momentum pembangunan masyarakat orang Asli di kawasan ini.
Program ini bertujuan untuk mendekatkan masyarakat terutama warga kampus MSU dengan orang asli dan dalam waktu yang sama memberi motivasi kepada anak-anak orang asli untuk bersama-sama meningkatkan pendidikan mereka.
Modul program direka oleh Sahabat MRA iaitu En Rezaidi dan Cik Linda yang merupakan pegawai daripada Institut Intergriti Malaysia. Modul yang sangat berkesan ini dibahagikan kepada 3 kumpulan sasaran iaitu golongan ibu, golongan bapa dan golongan anak.
Para pelajar dari MSU dibahagikan kepada 3 kampung utama iaitu Kg Bersih 1, Bersih 2 dan Bersih 3. Seterusnya di dalam kampung tersebut, kumpulan ini dipecahkan lagi kepada beberapa kumpulan kecil untuk menjalankan modul yang dirancang dengan lebih effektif.
Dalam masa yang sama, kumpulan perubatan dari Biro Kesihatan ABIM dan Hospital Pakar Al-Islam yang diketuai oleh saya sendiri bergerak masuk dalam sela waktu yang tertentu di kampung-kampung tersebut untuk menjalankan klinik-klinik bergerak.
Alhamdulillah, program ini saya kira sangat berjaya. Buat kali pertama saya melihat hampir 300 lebih orang asli keluar dari penempatan mereka untuk menjayakan majlis penutup program. Insyaallah akan ada lagi program seumpama ini diadakan oleh MRA bagi memastikan kelansungan momentum pembangunan masyarakat orang Asli di kawasan ini.
Saya sertakan gambar-gambar ini buat tatapan pihak pembaca.
Wallahu Alam.
Makhluk Aneh Dari Laut
Saya dapat dari email. Terima kasih.
A mysterious creature horrified holidaymakers after it washed up on a beach on the Gower Peninsula in Wales. The writhing mass of tentacles, which measured at least 6ft from end to end. The barnacles – long writhing stalks or pendulates, tipped with shells – are normally found deep below the waves, but were washed up clinging to a log. This barnacle may look like a mollusc but it is in fact a crustacean related to shrimps, lobsters and crabs. The goose barnacle or percebe thrives at the ocean’s foamy edge. Slammed by boiling sea waves, laved in saline by constant saltwater surf, the percebe thrives clinging to wave-lashed crags of the sea, to coastal rocks in narrow inlets called ‘surge channels’ up which the ocean thrusts oxygen-rich waves tumbling and roiling to wash over the barnacle colonies, thus providing tiny planktonic food to be caught by the winnowing fan-like legs poking out and up from the barnacle. Barnacles attach themselves to rocks by their “heads” and feed by means of their feathery “legs.”
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Apa Mereka kata Tentang Nabi Muhammad SAW
Sempena Maulidur Rasul yang akan menjelang, saya rangkumkan di sini tentang beberapa artikel menarik tentang Nabi Muhammad SAW dan komen oleh non-muslim tentang Nabi Muhammad. Salah satunya adalah daripada Micheal H.Hart yang telah memilih Rasulullah sebagai tempat pertama daripada 100 orang yang paling berpengaruh di dunia. Baca di sini.
Kadangkala ada orang Islam yang sendiri merasa rendah diri tentang Rasulullah. Mereka ini telah dimasukkan racunnya oleh mereka-mereka yang "kononnya" ahli sejarah terkemuka atau ilmuwan agama yang menghina peribadi Rasulullah dengan segala macam perkataan yang buruk. Mereka yang termakan hasutan ini akhirnya mengganggap bahawa tiada yang istimewa tentang Rasulullah.
Ada yang lebih buruk menyatakan bahawa kita hanya perlu faham apa yang disampaikannya sahaja sebagaimana seorang posmen dengan suratnya (Nabi dan Al-Quran). Kononnya kita hanya perlu tahu tentang surat itu, posmen itu tidak perlu kita ambil peduli. Maka orang seperti ini tidak memahami Islam dengan sebenar-benarnya kerana Nabi Muhammad adalah seorang Rasul dan seseorang wajib beriman kepada Rasul. Dengan memahami Rasul bermakna kita memahami al-Quran. Tidak mempercayai Rasul dan apa yang disampaikannya, bermakna iman seseorang itu tidak wujud atau dengan bahasa lebih mudah - ia tidak beriman.
Di dalam rukun Iman yang enam, jika salah satu daripada enam tersebut tidak kita percayai, ini menyebabkan kita tidak lagi beriman kepada Allah. Ia tidak mengikut hukum matematik mudah 6-1=5. Pada hakikatnya ia adalah 6-1=0. Tolak satu daripada enam maka tertolak semuanya.
Maka, marilah kita sama-sama memperjuangkan untuk memartabatkan kembali keperibadian Rasulullah SAW dengan apa cara. Jadikan Maulidurrasul ini satu usaha untuk memurnikan semula perjuangannya dan sirahnya dan mari kita sama-sama pertahankan keperibadian Rasulullah daripada dihina oleh mereka yang kufur, munafiq dan fasiq.
Wallahu Alam.
Kadangkala ada orang Islam yang sendiri merasa rendah diri tentang Rasulullah. Mereka ini telah dimasukkan racunnya oleh mereka-mereka yang "kononnya" ahli sejarah terkemuka atau ilmuwan agama yang menghina peribadi Rasulullah dengan segala macam perkataan yang buruk. Mereka yang termakan hasutan ini akhirnya mengganggap bahawa tiada yang istimewa tentang Rasulullah.
Ada yang lebih buruk menyatakan bahawa kita hanya perlu faham apa yang disampaikannya sahaja sebagaimana seorang posmen dengan suratnya (Nabi dan Al-Quran). Kononnya kita hanya perlu tahu tentang surat itu, posmen itu tidak perlu kita ambil peduli. Maka orang seperti ini tidak memahami Islam dengan sebenar-benarnya kerana Nabi Muhammad adalah seorang Rasul dan seseorang wajib beriman kepada Rasul. Dengan memahami Rasul bermakna kita memahami al-Quran. Tidak mempercayai Rasul dan apa yang disampaikannya, bermakna iman seseorang itu tidak wujud atau dengan bahasa lebih mudah - ia tidak beriman.
Di dalam rukun Iman yang enam, jika salah satu daripada enam tersebut tidak kita percayai, ini menyebabkan kita tidak lagi beriman kepada Allah. Ia tidak mengikut hukum matematik mudah 6-1=5. Pada hakikatnya ia adalah 6-1=0. Tolak satu daripada enam maka tertolak semuanya.
Maka, marilah kita sama-sama memperjuangkan untuk memartabatkan kembali keperibadian Rasulullah SAW dengan apa cara. Jadikan Maulidurrasul ini satu usaha untuk memurnikan semula perjuangannya dan sirahnya dan mari kita sama-sama pertahankan keperibadian Rasulullah daripada dihina oleh mereka yang kufur, munafiq dan fasiq.
ini adalah artikel tentang Nabi Muhammad sebagai no 1.
Oleh : Michael H. Hart
My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels.
Of humble origins, Muhammad founded and promulgated one of the world's great religions, and became an immensely effective political leader. Today, thirteen centuries after his death, his influence is still powerful and pervasive.
The majority of the persons in this book had the advantage of being born and raised in centers of civilization, highly cultured or politically pivotal nations. Muhammad, however, was born in the year 570, in the city of Mecca, in southern Arabia, at that time a backward area of the world, far from the centers of trade, art, and learning. Orphaned at age six, he was reared in modest surroundings. Islamic tradition tells us that he was illiterate. His economic position improved when, at age twenty-five, he married a wealthy widow. Nevertheless, as he approached forty, there was little outward indication that he was a remarkable person.
Most Arabs at that time were pagans, who believed in many gods. There were, however, in Mecca, a small number of Jews and Christians; it was from them no doubt that Muhammad first learned of a single, omnipotent God who ruled the entire universe. When he was forty years old, Muhammad became convinced that this one true God (Allah) was speaking to him, and had chosen him to spread the true faith.
For three years, Muhammad preached only to close friends and associates. Then, about 613, he began preaching in public. As he slowly gained converts, the Meccan authorities came to consider him a dangerous nuisance. In 622, fearing for his safety, Muhammad fled to Medina (a city some 200 miles north of Mecca), where he had been offered a position of considerable political power.
This flight, called the Hegira, was the turning point of the Prophet's life. In Mecca, he had had few followers. In Medina, he had many more, and he soon acquired an influence that made him a virtual dictator. During the next few years, while Muhammad s following grew rapidly, a series of battles were fought between Medina and Mecca. This was ended in 630 with Muhammad's triumphant return to Mecca as conqueror. The remaining two and one-half years of his life witnessed the rapid conversion of the Arab tribes to the new religion. When Muhammad died, in 632, he was the effective ruler of all of southern Arabia.
The Bedouin tribesmen of Arabia had a reputation as fierce warriors. But their number was small; and plagued by disunity and internecine warfare, they had been no match for the larger armies of the kingdoms in the settled agricultural areas to the north. However, unified by Muhammad for the first time in history, and inspired by their fervent belief in the one true God, these small Arab armies now embarked upon one of the most astonishing series of conquests in human history. To the northeast of Arabia lay the large Neo-Persian Empire of the Sassanids; to the northwest lay the Byzantine, or Eastern Roman Empire, centered in Constantinople. Numerically, the Arabs were no match for their opponents. On the field of battle, though, the inspired Arabs rapidly conquered all of Mesopotamia, Syria, and Palestine. By 642, Egypt had been wrested from the Byzantine Empire, while the Persian armies had been crushed at the key battles of Qadisiya in 637, and Nehavend in 642.
But even these enormous conquests-which were made under the leadership of Muhammad's close friends and immediate successors, Abu Bakr and 'Umar ibn al-Khattab -did not mark the end of the Arab advance. By 711, the Arab armies had swept completely across North Africa to the Atlantic Ocean There they turned north and, crossing the Strait of Gibraltar, overwhelmed the Visigothic kingdom in Spain.
For a while, it must have seemed that the Moslems would overwhelm all of Christian Europe. However, in 732, at the famous Battle of Tours, a Moslem army, which had advanced into the center of France, was at last defeated by the Franks. Nevertheless, in a scant century of fighting, these Bedouin tribesmen, inspired by the word of the Prophet, had carved out an empire stretching from the borders of India to the Atlantic Ocean-the largest empire that the world had yet seen. And everywhere that the armies conquered, large-scale conversion to the new faith eventually followed.
Now, not all of these conquests proved permanent. The Persians, though they have remained faithful to the religion of the Prophet, have since regained their independence from the Arabs. And in Spain, more than seven centuries of warfare 5 finally resulted in the Christians reconquering the entire peninsula. However, Mesopotamia and Egypt, the two cradles of ancient civilization, have remained Arab, as has the entire coast of North Africa. The new religion, of course, continued to spread, in the intervening centuries, far beyond the borders of the original Moslem conquests. Currently it has tens of millions of adherents in Africa and Central Asia and even more in Pakistan and northern India, and in Indonesia. In Indonesia, the new faith has been a unifying factor. In the Indian subcontinent, however, the conflict between Moslems and Hindus is still a major obstacle to unity.
How, then, is one to assess the overall impact of Muhammad on human history? Like all religions, Islam exerts an enormous influence upon the lives of its followers. It is for this reason that the founders of the world's great religions all figure prominently in this book . Since there are roughly twice as many Christians as Moslems in the world, it may initially seem strange that Muhammad has been ranked higher than Jesus. There are two principal reasons for that decision. First, Muhammad played a far more important role in the development of Islam than Jesus did in the development of Christianity. Although Jesus was responsible for the main ethical and moral precepts of Christianity (insofar as these differed from Judaism), St. Paul was the main developer of Christian theology, its principal proselytizer, and the author of a large portion of the New Testament.
Muhammad, however, was responsible for both the theology of Islam and its main ethical and moral principles. In addition, he played the key role in proselytizing the new faith, and in establishing the religious practices of Islam. Moreover, he is the author of the Moslem holy scriptures, the Koran, a collection of certain of Muhammad's insights that he believed had been directly revealed to him by Allah. Most of these utterances were copied more or less faithfully during Muhammad's lifetime and were collected together in authoritative form not long after his death. The Koran therefore, closely represents Muhammad's ideas and teachings and to a considerable extent his exact words. No such detailed compilation of the teachings of Christ has survived. Since the Koran is at least as important to Moslems as the Bible is to Christians, the influence of Muhammed through the medium of the Koran has been enormous It is probable that the relative influence of Muhammad on Islam has been larger than the combined influence of Jesus Christ and St. Paul on Christianity. On the purely religious level, then, it seems likely that Muhammad has been as influential in human history as Jesus.
Furthermore, Muhammad (unlike Jesus) was a secular as well as a religious leader. In fact, as the driving force behind the Arab conquests, he may well rank as the most influential political leader of all time.
Of many important historical events, one might say that they were inevitable and would have occurred even without the particular political leader who guided them. For example, the South American colonies would probably have won their independence from Spain even if Simon Bolivar had never lived. But this cannot be said of the Arab conquests. Nothing similar had occurred before Muhammad, and there is no reason to believe that the conquests would have been achieved without him. The only comparable conquests in human history are those of the Mongols in the thirteenth century, which were primarily due to the influence of Genghis Khan. These conquests, however, though more extensive than those of the Arabs, did not prove permanent, and today the only areas occupied by the Mongols are those that they held prior to the time of Genghis Khan.
It is far different with the conquests of the Arabs. From Iraq to Morocco, there extends a whole chain of Arab nations united not merely by their faith in Islam, but also by their Arabic language, history, and culture. The centrality of the Koran in the Moslem religion and the fact that it is written in Arabic have probably prevented the Arab language from breaking up into mutually unintelligible dialects, which might otherwise have occurred in the intervening thirteen centuries. Differences and divisions between these Arab states exist, of course, and they are considerable, but the partial disunity should not blind us to the important elements of unity that have continued to exist. For instance, neither Iran nor Indonesia, both oil-producing states and both Islamic in religion, joined in the oil embargo of the winter of 1973-74. It is no coincidence that all of the Arab states, and only the Arab states, participated in the embargo.
We see, then, that the Arab conquests of the seventh century have continued to play an important role in human history, down to the present day. It is this unparalleled combination of secular and religious influence which I feel entitles Muhammad to be considered the most influential single figure in human history.
Ini adalah pendapat Non Muslim tentang Rasulullah.
"lf a man like Muhammed were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems that would bring it the much needed peace and happiness."
George Bernard Shaw
"People like Pasteur and Salk are leaders in the first sense. People like Gandhi and Confucius, on one hand, and Alexander, Caesar and Hitler on the other, are leaders in the second and perhaps the third sense. Jesus and Buddha belong in the third category alone. Perhaps the greatest leader of all times was Mohammed, who combined all three functions. To a lesser degree, Moses did the same."
Professor Jules Masserman
"Head of the State as well as the Church, lie was Caesar and Pope in one, but, he was Pope without the Pope's pretensions, and Caesar without the legions of Caesar, without a standing army, without a bodyguard, without a police force, without a fixed revenue. ft ever a man had the right to say that he ruled by a right divine, it was Muhummed. for he had all the powers without their supports. He cared not tor the dressings of power. The simplicity of his private life was in keeping with his public life.""
Rev. R. Bosworth-Smith
"Muhammad was the soul of kindness, and his influence was felt and never forgotten by those around him."
Diwan Chand Sharma, The Prophets of the East, Calcutta 1935, p. 122.
"Four year after the death of Justinian, A.D. 569, was born at Mecca, in Arabia the man who, of all men exercised the greatest influence upon the human race . . . Mohammed . . . "
John William Draper, M.D., L.L.D., A History of the Intellectual Development of Europe, London 1875, Vol. 1, pp 329-330.
"In little more than a year he was actually the spiritual, nominal and temporal ruler of Medina, with his hands on the lever that was to shake the world."
John Austin, "Muhammad the Prophet of Allah," in T.P's and Cassel's Weekly for 24th September 1927.
"Philosopher, Orator, Apostle, Legislator. Warrior, Conqueror of ideas, Restorer of rational beliefs, of a cult without images; the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire, that is Muhammed. As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he?"
Lamartine, Historic de la Turquie, Paris 1854, Vol. 11 pp. 276-2727.
"It is impossible for anyone who studies the life and character of the great prophet of Arabia, who knows how he taught and how he live,. to feel anything but reverence for that mighty Prophet, one of the great messengers of the Supreme. And although in what I put to you I shall say many things which may be familiar to many, yet I myself feel whenever I re-read them, a new way of admiration, a new of reverence for that mighty Arabian teacher."
Annie Besant, The Life and Teachings of Muhammad, Madras 1932, p.4
"Muhammed is the most successful of all Prophets and religious personalities."
Encyclopaedia Britannica
"I have studied him — the wonderful man — and in my opinion far from being an anti-Christ he must be called the saviour of humanity."
George Bernard Shaw in "The Genuine Islam"
"By a fortune absolutely unique in history , Mohammed is a threefold founder of a nation, of an empire, and of a religion."
Rev. R. Bosworth-Smith in "Mohammed and Mohammedanism 1946.
Michael H. Hart
"My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular level."
Michael H. Hart, THE 100: A RANKING OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL PERSONS IN HISTORY, New York: Hart Publishing Company, Inc., 1978, p. 33.
Mahatma Gandhi
Speaking on the character of Muhammad (pbuh), Mahatma Gandhi says in (Young India),
"I wanted to know the best of one who holds today's undisputed sway over the hearts of millions of mankind....I became more than convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those days in the scheme of life. It was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet, the scrupulous regard for his pledges, his intense devotion to this friends and followers, his intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission. These and not the sword carried everything before them and surmounted every obstacle. When I closed the 2nd volume (of the Prophet's biography), I was sorry there was not more for me to read of the great life."
Prof. Ramakrishna Rao
"The personality of Muhammad, it is most difficult to get into the whole truth of it. Only a glimpse of it I can catch. What a dramatic succession of picturesque scenes! There is Muhammad, the Prophet. There is Muhammad, the Warrior; Muhammad, the Businessman; Muhammad, the Statesman; Muhammad, the Orator; Muhammad, the Reformer; Muhammad, the Refuge of Orphans; Muhammad, the Protector of Slaves; Muhammad, the Emancipator of Women; Muhammad, the Judge; Muhammad, the Saint. All in all these magnificent roles, in all these departments of human activities, he is alike a hero."
Sarogini Naidu
Sarogini Naidu, the famous poetess of India says about Islam: "It was the first religion that preached and practiced democracy; for in the mosque, when the call for prayer is sounded and worshippers are gathered together, the democracy of Islam is embodied five times a day when the peasant and king kneel side by side and proclaim: 'God Alone is Great'… I have been struck over and over again by this indivisible unity of Islam that makes man instinctively a brother.
"If greatness of purpose, smallness of means, and astounding results are the three criteria of human genius, who could dare to compare any great man in modern history with Muhammad? The most famous men created arms, laws and empires only. They founded, if anything at all, no more than material powers which often crumbled away before their eyes. This man moved not only armies, legislations, empires, peoples and dynasties, but millions of men in one-third of the then inhabited world; and more than that, he moved the altars, the gods, the religions, the ideas, the beliefs and souls. . . his forbearance in victory, his ambition, which was entirely devoted to one idea and in no manner striving for an empire; his endless prayers, his mystic conversations with God, his death and his triumph after death; all these attest not to an imposture but to a firm conviction which gave him the power to restore a dogma. This dogma was twofold, the unity of God and the immateriality of God; the former telling what God is, the latter telling what God is not; the one overthrowing false gods with the sword, the other starting an idea with words.
"Philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas, of a cult without images; the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire, that is Muhammad. As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he?"
Lamartine, HISTOIRE DE LA TURQUIE, Paris, 1854, Vol. II, pp. 276-277.
W. Montgomery Watt
"His readiness to undergo persecutions for his beliefs, the high moral character of the men who believed in him and looked up to him as leader, and the greatness of his ultimate achievement - all argue his fundamental integrity. To suppose Muhammad an impostor raises more problems than it solves. Moreover, none of the great figures of history is so poorly appreciated in the West as Muhammad."
W. Montgomery Watt, MOHAMMAD AT MECCA, Oxford, 1953, p. 52.
Bosworth Smith
"He was Caesar and Pope in one; but he was Pope without Pope's pretensions, Caesar without the legions of Caesar: without a standing army, without a bodyguard, without a palace, without a fixed revenue; if ever any man had the right to say that he ruled by the right divine, it was Mohammed, for he had all the power without its instruments and without its supports."
Bosworth Smith, MOHAMMAD AND MO
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Kenyataan Tengku Razaleigh Tentang Royalti Minyak
Angkat tabik pada Tengku Razaleigh...
Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, The Edge
I see the Ministry of Information has taken out full page advertisements in the major Malay newspapers to argue that Kelantan has no right to oil payments under the Petroleum Development Act because the oil resources in question lie outside the 3 nautical mile limit that delimits state versus federal jurisdictions. The advertisement fails to point out that almost all the oil found in Malaysia is located more than 3 nautical miles offshore, and Petronas has nevertheless been making oil payments to the states.
By the argument deployed in the advertisement, Terengganu, Sabah and Sarawak too are not entitled to the “cash payments” of 5% of profit oil (commonly and a little inaccurately referred to as “oil royalties”). Everything is at the arbitrary behest of the Federal Government.
Yet last year, according to its annual report, Petronas paid out RM6.2 billion in petroleum cash payments, with RM3 billion to Terengganu, RM2.3 billion to Sarawak and RM0.9 billion to Sabah. One wonders what basis this payment was made on since none of this was for petroleum found within 3 nautical miles offshore of these states. The argument for depriving Kelantan of 5% cash payments on the basis of its petroleum resources being found beyond 3 nautical miles is an insult to the intelligence.
I have spoken and written at length on this issue and had been reluctant to say more on it. Moreover, as a member of the ruling party I am embarrassed to have to belabour elementary points against the government. This information campaign, whether through a leaflet campaign in the schools or through newspaper advertisements paid for with taxpayer money, implies either culpable stupidity or gross deceitfulness on the part of agents of the Federal Government. I had hoped to avoid that implication.
The government’s advertisement also exhumes a ten year old mis-quotation in a government newspaper to allege that I once denied that Terengganu had any right to the 5% cash payment. I said no such thing. If the government media is to be believed I also once converted to Christianity by wearing Kadazan headgear just in time to be exposed amidst a General Election campaign. Why does the government rely on a ten year old misquotation? Well, these days we have our own blogs.
In fact, as a BN backbencher at the time I opposed the Federal Government’s intervention to prevent Petronas from making oil payments to Terengganu and the move to channel those funds instead into “wang ihsan”. Tun Salleh Abbas and I offered ourselves as witnesses to the Terengganu state government in the suit it filed against the Federal government to recover those oil payments. Between the 2000 and 2009, RM15.8 billion was paid out through the legal black hole of wang ihsan, not to the rightful party as specified under the Petroleum Development Act, which is the state government’s consolidated fund, but to agencies more amenable to vested interests linked to the central government. The outcome of that spending is the Monsoon Cup, a Crystal Mosque in which it is impossible to pray, a leaking swimming pool, a collapsed bridge and a collapsed stadium. The people of Terengganu remain poor while Billions have been paid out in their name.
I am said to have changed my mind or somehow ignorant of the fact that Kelantan’s petroleum resources all lie offshore when the fact is that, on the instruction of the late Tun Razak, I drafted the Petroleum Development Act precisely because we wanted to ensure that Kelantan, Terengganu, and potentially Pahang and Johor would benefit from the 5% cash payments.
We did precisely because we knew that these states did not have oil onshore or within their territorial waters. The device we used was a Vesting Deed by which the states vested, in perpetuity, all their petroleum resources to Petronas, onshore or offshore. In return for this Petronas guaranteed the cash payment of 5% from oil found anywhere, offshore or onshore, of the state. This rendered any consideration of federal/state boundaries whether at 3 or 12 nautical miles or whatever irrelevant for the purpose of reckoning the payment. I traversed the country to sign this agreement with each Chief Minister of each state government. Tun Razak was driven by the nation-building concern that these poorer east coast areas, which are also predominantly Malay areas should benefit directly from offshore oil, and I drafted the Petroleum Development Act to reflect that concern.
It is this benefit to the people which Umno Kelantan opposes 34 years after the death of Tun Razak. It is also Razak’s legacy that they make a mockery of. It is a mark of how far Umno has strayed off course that the leadership of Umno, and in particular Umno Kelantan is doing its utmost to deprive the people of Kelantan of sovereign rights secured by an UMNO-led government of another day. No one in their right mind could mistake this as behaviour that is beneficial to Umno’s long term standing in Kelantan, let alone elsewhere as people observe this behaviour.
I am accused of putting state interest before party interest. However the issue goes far beyond Kelantan. The arguments used in yesterday’s newspaper advertisement undercut the rights of all the states in respect of a natural resource which is theirs as a sovereign right. It violates a contract between Petronas and the states, denies the Petroleum Development Act, denies the raison d’etre of Petronas (which was in the first place formed to ensure the integrtiy of the federation by way of an equitable sharing of this valuable resource) and sets the Federal Government in contravention of an Act of Parliament.
One immediate implication of the argument laid out in yesterday’s official clarification from the Ministry of Information is that Terengganu is also ineligible for the oil payments. This means that after cutting off oil payments when Terengganu fell into Opposition hands and replacing it with “compassionate payment” there is absolutely no basis for the government’s promise to return Terengganu to cash payments again. All of Terengganu’s oil is found very far offshore. In this matter whatever holds for Kelantan holds for Terengganu and vice versa.
In the end this is not a question of politics or personality. It is not about what I or anyone else says, nor of where Umno or PAS stand. It is about the government complying with written agreements governed by an Act of Parliament and respecting parliamentary democracy. The rights of the people are not to be fulfilled or withheld depending on who they have voted for. In treating Terengganu and Kelantan in this manner we are depriving them of money that is rightfully theirs, undermining sovereign state rights, and eroding parliamentary democracy. We should do the right thing by the people at whose pleasure we serve.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Glomerulo Nephritis
Sebelum ni ada pembaca yang bertanya tentang Acute Glomerulo Nephritis atau AGN.
Penyakit ini kadangkala timbul setelah jangkitan tekak dan demam yang disebabkan oleh kuman Streptococcus (Jenis A, Beta Hemolytic). Ini dipanggil Post Streptococcus AGN. Ini disebabkan oleh sistem imun badan menyerang sel-sel buah pinggang yang kebetulan menyerupai sel-sel kuman yang menyerang tekak (cross reaction) itu.
Penyakit ini boleh menyebabkan radang di buah pinggang dan akhirnya menyebabkan kegagalan fungsi buah pinggang. Berikut adalah artikel yang saya petik di dalam kosmo online. Penerangan diberikan oleh Dato' Dr Zaki Morad yang merupakan Ketua Jabatan saya semasa saya bertugas di jabatan Nefrologi di HKL. Sekarang beliau berkhidmat di Hospital Ampang Puteri.
Walaubagaimanapun, Dato' Zaki menerangkan tentang penyakit nephritis iaitu sakit buah pinggang yang lebih umum. Nephritis yang pesakit biasanya datang dengan kencing berdarah, masalah kencing berprotein, tekanan darah meningkat dan kegagalan buah pinggang. Jangkitan Post Streptococcus AGN adalah salah satu bentuk nephritis.
LAZIMNYA, kegagalan fungsi buah pinggang atau ginjal seringkali dikaitkan dengan kencing manis atau tekanan darah tinggi.
Bagi penyakit radang buah pinggang, ia agak jarang diperkatakan walaupun saban waktu terdapat kes ini.
Tidak hairanlah jika kajian di Amerika Syarikat (AS) menunjukkan 10 peratus daripada golongan dewasa mempunyai masalah kerosakan buah pinggang daripada kategori ringan hingga serius. Malangnya mereka tidak mengetahuinya.
Turut dikenali sebagai glomerulonephritis (GN), Pakar Runding Nefrologi Pusat Perubatan Ampang Puteri, Datuk Dr. Zaki Morad Mohamed Zaher menjelaskan ia kerapkali berlaku pada golongan muda.
“Keradangan ginjal berlaku serta-merta iaitu mengambil masa hanya beberapa hari berbanding kerosakan ginjal yang biasanya memakan masa selama 10 hingga 15 tahun,” kata Zaki.
Biasanya, penyakit buah pinggang akut disebabkan oleh penyakit yang memberi kesan kepada buah pinggang, aliran darah atau air kencing yang mengalir keluar daripadanya.
Ujarnya, GN berlaku apabila terdapat kerosakan pada glomeruli iaitu sekumpulan kapilari yang berfungsi sebagai penapis ketika proses menyingkirkan bahan kumuh daripada darah dan masuk ke dalam tubules buah pinggang.
Perbezaan ketara penyakit ini dengan kegagalan buah pinggang yang lain ialah GN tidak melibatkan faktor makanan serta darah tinggi dan kencing manis.
Tambahnya, antara tanda awal pesakit menghidap penyakit ini ialah mereka mengalami masalah air kencing yang mengandungi protein.
Malah panyakit GN lebih bersifat sementara dan boleh hilang dalam jangka waktu tertentu dengan rawatan khas yang diperoleh sejak peringkat awal.
Mengenai punca penyakit buah pinggang, jelas Zaki, ia tidak selalunya dapat ditentukan. Tetapi sebarang bentuk penyakit yang menjejaskan salur darah atau struktur ginjal yang lain boleh menyebabkan kerosakan buah pinggang.
“Mereka yang berisiko untuk mendapat penyakit ginjal ini seperti pesakit kencing manis, darah tinggi dan beberapa penyakit lain menjalani ujian setiap enam bulan sekali,” tegasnya.
Masalah kegagalan buah pinggang hanya dikesan setelah bertahun atau berbelas tahun ia bermula kerana menyerang secara senyap. Semasa diketahui, penyakit itu sudah di peringkat kronik.
Justeru, hanya dialisis atau pembedahan transplan menjadi pilihan. Namun, sekiranya dikesan awal, ia boleh dirawat menggunakan ubatan tertentu.
Menurut Zaki, masalah buah pinggang mempunyai kesan berangkai dengan organ-organ lain terutama jantung.
Walaupun keadaan genetik seseorang turut mempengaruhi kehadiran penyakit ini, perubahan dalam tabiat pemakanan dan gaya hidup boleh menyelamatkan buah pinggang.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Hanyo Di Kelate!
Ke mana Arah Tuju Pelarian Rohingya di Malaysia?
Pelarian Rohingya ke Malaysia perlu mendapat perhatian ramai terutama pihak berwajib. Secara amnya pelarian Rohingya adalah pelarian politik di bawah naungan UNHCR. Mereka adalah kumpulan etnik minoriti Myanmar yang beragama Islam dan ditindas di sana. Jumlah populasi mereka adalah sebanyak 2 juta orang dan tinggal berhampiran dengan sempadan Myanmar-Bangladeh.
Pada tahun 1982, Kerajaan Myanmar telah melucutkan kewarganegaraan etnik Rohingya menjadikan mereka pelarian di negara sendiri. Hak mereka sebagai rakyat Myanmar telah dirampas, mereka tidak dibenarkan keluar daripada penempatan mereka, tanah dirampas, tidak dibenarkan mengamalkan agama mereka secara bebas dan ada yang ditangkap. Akibat daripada tekanan yang semakin meningkat, kebanyakan daripada mereka melarikan diri ke Malaysia, sempadan Thailand, Bangladesh, negara Arab dan Eropah. Sekiranya mereka pulang semula ke Myanmar, mereka boleh ditembak dan ditangkap.
Di Malaysia, status pelarian tidak melayakkan mereka menerima kewarganegaraan dan mendapat layanan kesihatan di Hospital dan klinik. Sedangka

Dari segi kelahiran, saya dapati mereka mempunyai kadar kelahiran yang sangat tinggi. Mereka tidak mengamalkan perancangan keluarga kerana rata-rata mereka mempunyai pendidikan yang rendah. Bayangkan setiap keluarga yang daif ini mempunyai 6 orang anak pada usia yang sangat muda. Malah kadar kelahiran ini akan terus meningkat. Jika ia tidak dikawal, populasi mereka akan menjadi tersangat besar sedangkan taraf hidup mereka masih lagi berada di takuk yang lama.
Kehidupan kanak-kanak Islam Rohingya amatlah daif. Mereka ini boleh dikategorikan sebagai taraf fakir. Kehidupan sepe

Menurut perangkaan dari pihak UNHCR,dianggarkan terdapat lebih dari 16,000 orang pelarian Rohingya kini telah mendaftar dengan pihak UNHCR sementara dianggarkan kira-kira 3,000 orang lagi masih belum mendaftar. Sebahagian besar pelarian ini berada di Lembah Kelang dengan tumpuan utama dikawasan sekitar Ampang.
Ada di antara mereka hidup di bawah jambatan, bekerja di pasar borong, mengemis dan tinggal di tapak-tapak binaan. Tidak ramai yang boleh menampung kehidupan mereka sehari-harian. Mereka ini akhirnya akan menjadi duri di dalam masyarakat dan akan menyumbang kepada statistik peminta sedekah, kejadian kecurian dan rompakan dan pelacuran di Malaysia. Dan yang sedihnya mereka ini adalah saudara se-Islam kita.
Terdapat sebuah sekolah komuniti yang menempatkan khusus untuk kanak-kanak Rohingya terletak di Kg Cheras Baru. Sekolah ini mendapat bantuan daripada Yayasan al-Khalifah yang juga menyelia beberapa rumah anak yatim di seluruh Malaysia, dengan kerjasama Malaysian Relief Agency (MRA) dan ABIM.
Sekolah ini merupakan kedai 3 tingkat yang disewa untuk menempatkan mereka, dan guru-guru dibayar untuk mengajar anak-anak ini supaya mereka boleh mendapatkan pelajaran dengan harapan mereka boleh menjadi Umat Islam yang berguna suatu hari nanti. Yayasan Khalifah, MRA dan ABIM membayar lebih kurang RM 5000-7000 sebulan bagi membayar guru, peralatan mengajar dan menyewa kedai tersebut untuk kegunaan anak-anak pelarian in

Walaupun menjadi satu kesukaran untuk menjalankan tugas ini kerana kewangan yang sempit, ia perlu dilakukan bagi maslahah ummat. Sekiranya tidak dilakukan, mereka ini akan hidup melarat dan mengundang masalah sosial kepada kehidupan kita. Diharapkan sekiranya mereka dididik dengan sempurna, mereka akan menyumbang kepada masyarakat Malaysia ke arah yang lebih positif.
Justeru, pihak ABIM dan MRA memerlukan bantuan daripada pelbagai pihak tidak kira dari bidang swasta mahupun kerajaan untuk sama-sama berusaha membantu dari sudut tenaga, material, kewangan mahupun khidmat nasihat bagi menggemblengkan usaha meningkatkan kualiti kehidupan masyarakat pelarian Rohingya Islam ini bagi manfaat bersama. InsyaAllah.
Wallahu Alam.
Dr Shahrizal Azwan Bin Samsudin,
Setiausa, Biro Kesihatan ABIM,
Exco Latihan dan Sukarelawan, MRA.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Gambar lama
Friday, February 5, 2010
Pencuri Pasir
Saya ingin tanya satu soalan kepada semua pembaca.
Soalan 1 : Senang atau tidak curi motor?
Saya pernah tulis satu artikel tentang kakitangan staf klinik idzham tempat saya bertugas dahulu yang dicuri motornya pada waktu pagi buta. Kelibat pencuri itu dirakam menggunakan CCTV klinik.
Kecurian itu berakhir tak sampai 5 minit oleh 2 orang lelaki.
Soalan 2 : Senang atau tidak merompak kedai emas?
Kalau difikarkan memang sedikit sukar daripada mencuri motor. Mungkin memerlukan beberapa orang perompak, menggunakan senjata dan mungkin ada orang dalam yang membantu. Perompak terpaksa memerhatikan penggera tidak berbunyi, jalan keluar yang mudah dan tempat sorok barang yang dirompak. Rompakan mungkin mengambil masa kurang dari setengah jam.
Soalan 3 : Senang atau tidak mencuri pasir?
Susah atau senang biar saya cerita.
Pencuri pasir kena bawa jentera besar, excavator yang macam ekor lipan tu. Tugas excavator ini untuk mengorek pasir dari dalam perut bumi. Kadangkala kita boleh jumpa pasir di atas permukaan tanah. Adakalanya, pasir akan dijumpai setelah permukaan tanah (top soil) dibuang. Maknanya pasir ada di dalam tanah.
Setelah dikorek, mereka akan buat stockpile pasir setinggi bukit untuk memudahkan kerja mereka.
Kemudian, untuk membawa pasir itu ke tempat lain, sebuah lagi excavator besar akan digunakan untuk mengalihkan stockpile pasir ke dalam lori.
Lori tu pula bukan kecil tuan-tuan, lori 10 tayar tipper dumper tu. Kalau langgar orang mati di situ juga.
Lori pula bukan satu, sebab satu lori cuma boleh tampung 20 tan pasir lebih sahaja. Jadi mungkin kalau tempat curian tu besar ada 10 lori tipper beratur menunggu untuk mengangkut pasir. Mungkin juga lebih.
Kemudian adakalanya traktor diperlukan untuk meratakan tanah pasir sekiranya perlu.
Ada juga modus operandi pencuri ini yang "mencuci" pasir. Ini kerana pasir cuci lebih mahal harganya berbanding pasir kotor yang tidak dicuci. Apa yang mereka buat ialah, mereka bawa pasir ini te tempat lain, biasanya di tepi sungai untuk mencuci pasir mereka kemudian barulah dijual dengan harga yang lebih mahal untuk mendapatkan lebih untung.
Soalan ke 3 ini biar saya yang jawab dengan soalan lain.
Bolehkah anda membawa 2 buah pengorek pasir besar (excavator), sebiji traktor dan 10 biji lori 20 tan di sebuah kawasan pasir yang bekerja mencuri pasir negeri 24 jam tanpa diketahui orang langsung?
Mungkinkah Exco kerajaan negeri, ADUN, Ketua Polis Negeri, Ketua polis balai, pegawai daerah, penolong pegawai daerah, pegawai tanah, penolong pegawai tanah, Ketua Pengarah JPJ, Penolong Ketua Pengarah JPJ, Ketua Peguatkuasa JPJ, ketua kampung, penghulu dan segala jenis pegawai kerajaan tidak tahu bahawa terdapat kecurian pasir di kawasan mereka?
Satu-satunya kerja mencuri yang dilakukan hampir 24 jam sehari yang polis takkan tangkap ialah mencuri pasir. Patutlah mereka bermaharajalela sekarang....
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