Monday, May 5, 2008


Assalamualaikum, di sini saya terbitkan kenyataan media oleh ABIM tentang 2 isu panas sekarang.


1. The action by Y.B. Karpal Singh in filing a police report against the Regent of Kelantan, and
2. The calls made by MCA president, Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting, relating to some contentious religious and racial issues

The Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM) strongly feels that some remarks and actions by certain political leaders relating to religious and racial issues of late warrant our comments and response. Firstly, we find the action by Y.B. Karpal Singh in filing a police report against the Regent of Kelantan, Yang Teramat Mulia Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra as extremely improper and clearly overstepped the boundaries of proper comments when dealing with a member of Malaysian royalty.

Being a seasoned politician, we are still wondering until today what exactly was in the mind of Mr. Karpal when he decided to take such an action which is, to say the least, very problematic and uncalled for. Mr. Karpal could have clearly thought of a more respectful and sensible way to respond to the Regent's speech.At the same time, we fully agree and support the call from the Kelantan palace for an end to this controversy. We do feel that it is unfortunate that remarks from a member of the Malaysian royalty, which could have been taken in a better light, has been unduly problematized and politicized.

Secondly, the calls made by MCA president, Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting, relating to some contentious religious and racial issues must take into account the Malay-Muslim perspective.On the issue of conversion out of Islam, we fully understand the possible difficulties and hardships that may arise on the part of those who wish to convert, but at the same time, we have pleaded time and again that the critics of the present law on apostasy must also be willing to fully consider the ramifications of this issue on the core elements of the Islamic faith and jurisprudence. The critics cannot in all earnest, expect the Muslims to just ignore a clear injunction and principle in our religion. And to expect Muslims in Malaysia to take the issue of apostasy lightly is actually doing just that. Converting out of Islam is a specific religious issue and the extent of its prohibition and permission should be left to the proper religious authority to determine.

The Federal Court's decision in Lina Joy's case provides a solid legal basis for this position. Former Chief Justice, Tun Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim, in his majority judgment held that the determination of whether a person had renounced the religion of Islam was within the realm of Islamic law, and that the right authority was thus the Syariah court. His Lordship further said that the way one leaves religion is set by the religion itself. "In other words," His Lordship said,"one cannot embrace or leave a religion according to one's whims and fancies."

In Malaysia , we believe that the process of allowing the right and competent parties to deliberate and find the solution for contentious religious issues is still not beyond grasp. In that light, we feel that an earnest and genuine process of collective deliberation amongst the rightful religious authorities in Malaysia should take place with regards to the recent controversial religious issues. This process, which may require time and independent space for the people involved, must be allowed to take its course. Inputs and feedbacks from all parties should be considered but everyone must be prepared to accept that the aim of this process is to discover the authoritative Islamic position on the matter since this is an internal religious issue.

Assuming that at the end of the day the experts do find cases and situations where conversion out of Islam may be legally recognized, the next issue would be to determine the proper procedure for conversion out of Islam. We have stated time and again that conversion out of Islam is interlinked with other issues, some of which are formal and legal. Therefore, this process must be properly regulated and cannot be left open or unlimited. Again, another process of collective deliberation, which gives priority to authoritative interpretations of religious texts and legal reasoning, should be allowed to take its course.

In light of the current controversy, we would like to refer all parties to our various memoranda and documents on the matter.

In our considered view, the MCA is essentially saying that the Federal Court's interpretation of Articles 11 (1) and 121(1A) of the Federal Constitution in the Lina Joy case was wrong. Perhaps the MCA would like to introduce a private member's bill in Parliament to amend Articles 11(1) and 121(1A) of the Constitution to nullify the effect of Lina Joy. Let us see if they can get Malay/Muslim support on this issue. We must not forget the results of the survey carried out some time ago - which pointed out that Malays considered themselves Muslim first and Malay second. We would caution the MCA and other political parties (government as well as opposition) when making public comments on this issue; what they are doing will cause greater polarization between Malay/Muslims and non-Muslims in our nation.




Baru-baru ini saya mewakili Biro Kesihatan menjemput Sdr Yusri ke Usrah Bulanan Biro untuk memberi sedikit update tentang tsunami pilihanraya baru-baru ini dan apa-apa berita terkini tentang isu-isu umat Islam di Malaysia. Namun beliau tidak dapat hadir kerana bertembung pula dengan satu lagi Usrah yang dijalankan oleh Prof Dr Sidiq Fadhil.

Apapun di sebalik kesibukan Abang Yusri yang sedang mengambil PhD di UIAM, beliau masih berada di lapangan untuk bersama-sama memajukan ummah.



Faizal Zakaria said...

saya ada beri komen serupa dalam laman web Dr M, mengenai isu sama. Saya berakap fasal neofeudalism atau penyertaan aktif kelurga diraja dalam meletak kembali negara di landasan betul ketika waktu krisis seperti semasa. KITA sudah semakin hilang kuasa berunding. Usah lagi bicara fasal kuasa dan politik jika tiada kuasa rundingan. Soalnya adakan ISLAM dan IMAN boleh dirunding?


Dr Azwan said...

Bila MCA pun cuba nak menangi hati orang bukan Islam dalam isu Islam, maka DAP dan MCA sudah menjadi satu isu kompromi bagi kedua-dua pihak. Maka UMNO, PAS, PKR dan NGO Islam patut bersatu hati untuk memperjuangkan Islam. Sudah jadi Fardhu Kifayah. Bukan sahaja Islam dulu baru Melayu, tetapi Islam dulu baru parti politik.

Dr Azwan said...

Silap, bukan fardhu kifayah tapi sudah jadi wajib untuk bangun bersatu. Bukan menegakkan melayu tetapi menegakkan Islam. Patut ditubuhkan Majlis Muafakat Islam daripada Majlis Muafakat Melayu. Itu pendapat saya sahaja...

Queenie said...

Soalnya betulkan dulu apa yg kita makan, pihak2 yg diberi tanggungjawab ttg halal haram tuh tolong2lah perkasakan kuasa yg diberi, jgn terlalu tunduk dan takut pada kuasa2 pengancam. Takut hanya pada yg Maha Pencipta lagi Maha Melihat lagi Maha Mengetahui saja.

Kalau makanan syubhah dah mendarah daging akibat tak amik pedulik main hantam jer la labuuu...akibatnya siapa pun tak kira apa pangkat dan keturunan pun mmg payah nak bawak berunding apa tajuk sekalipun, jauh sekali soal islam dan Iman (kalau boleh dibawa berunding).

Ulama2 pun seronok dijamu dihotel2, kalau terkena hotel yg tak halal tp dikatakan halal tuh, boleh diterima ker doa2 mereka, oopps...saya tak mempertikaikan urusan Allah cuma apa yg saya faham diantara sebab2 tak diterima doa ialah akibat makan benda2 yg tak halal.

Jgn sekali kita nafikan bahawa pemakanan itu membentuk peribadi. Itu hakikat yg nyata, cuba pandang anak2 muda sekarang? makan minum senang dapat, perangai pun senang2 jer...bahkan anak2 muda yg belajar diIPT pun ramai yg perangainya...

Bayangkan bila mereka jadi pemimpin negara atau pun paling2 pemimpin keluarga?

Saya suka berangan (sedap rupanya berangan ni...).Konon2nya camni lah. Dulu British bagi kita merdeka (ko nak sangat kan? nah amik!).Tapi ko takkan sedar dlm pada tuh aku lumpuhkan kemerdekaan ko dgn cara halus lagi baik, melalui makan minum rakyat ko, sebab kalau lawan dgn senjata org2 ko mmg sanggup bergadai nyawa, pandai plak main ilmu kebal lagik, so aku punya prinsip, 'if i cannot fight you, I join you, he..he...siap ko. Bila perut bangsa ko dah dipenuhi benda2 tak halal yg ko sangka halal tuh..perangai ko pun gerenti dah tak semenggah mana, para pemimpin negara ko dan kuarga mereka yg ko agung2kan tuh aku hanyutkan dgn betina dan arak, aku jadikan mereka penyembah harta dunia, berselindung disebalik perjuangan memartabatkan bangsa sebaliknya merekalah pengkhianat bangsa (bila tengok buletin utama tv3 yg mendedahkan dalang disebalik pengorekan bijih besi tuh rasanya mcm betul jer apa yg terlintas dianganan saya!).

Kata British lagi, aku bg ko merdeka tak lama, 50 thn cukuplah! pastu ko tengok berapa ramai anak2 bangsa ko yg mati merempit dr mati membela agama atau dimedan juang? Belanja negara ko utk pusat serenti tak akan pernah berkurang dari belanja anak2 keuniversiti.

Anak2 muda bangsa ko lebih seronok hidu gam dan khayal dadah (termasuk ada yg sedang belajar di IPt) sementara pembangunan negara ko sendiri dibangunkan oleh org2 asing, hingga pemimpin2 negara ko tak larat nak kenal pasti yg dtg tu utk memburuh atau membunuh?

Bila makanan haram dah mendarah daging pada semua bangsa ko, senanglah urusan aku!!!sebenarnya kalau ko nak tau, ko tak pernah merdeka pun, semakin dijajah dan dijajah, minda dan segala2nya, kecuali bagi mereka yg sedar dan mahu berfikir, org2 ni nanti aku fikirkanlah mcm mana nak menghadapinya....hehehe...

Alahai, angan2 jer tu...

Pst...letihla tunggu apa tindakan utk Mr Karpal singh tu ya, mungkin kena tunggu Mr Ajaib singh bawa Mr Karam singh, the only person that could be able to make Mr Kapal sink....

Dr Azwan said...

Teori saya Karpal Singh ni 1.Cuba mencuri perhatian kerana perhatian terlampau banyak diberi kepada Anwar, Lim Guan Eng dan Lim Kit Siang. 2. Cuba menjadi Hero dengan harapan Orang Malaysia akan mengangkatnya menjadi PM satu hari nanti (dream on..).. 3. Demented atau nyanyuk 4. Kena strok kali yang ke entah beberapa kali...

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