Belum pun reda kes melamin yang dicampur susu lembu untuk meningkatkan kandungan protein yang menyebabkan kematian di China, negara yang mempunyai ramai umat ini menggemparkan lagi dunia dengan "penciptaan telur tiruan". Saya letak sebahagian kecil daripada artikel yang saya petik di sini untuk makluman pihak pembaca.
Di antara kandungan-kandungan merbahaya di dalam telur ini didapati boleh merosakkan organ dalaman manusia seperti otak, hati, saraf dan darah. Perkara ini sungguh menakutkan kerana mereka mula memasarkan telur ini secara besar-besaran. Malah ada yang mengatakan bahawa telur tiruan ini lebih sedap dari telur asli!

Not long ago people discovered fake chicken eggs being produced and sold in China. So if you are in China be very careful buying eggs, don’t buy the fake ones! This post from 39Net teaches you how to identify fake chicken eggs from the real ones.

Fake egg’s shell is made of calcium carbonate. Egg yolk and egg white are made of sodium alginate, alum, gelatin, eatable calcium chloride and then add water and food coloring. First pour a set amount of sodium alginate into warm water and mix it into egg white like shape, then mix it with gelatin together with benzoic acid, alum and other chemicals to make the egg white. Egg yolk is just adding lemon yellow food coloring. Together with calcium chloride to form egg mixture into the mold to produce the egg membrane. Egg shell is made of paraffin wax, gypsum powder, calcium carbonate and other materials.

Fake egg is full of chemicals, the main ingredient calcium alginate, at most is a gel. Alum, gelatin etc are only as additives, auxiliary agents. There are national standards on the use of additives; the amount of them is clearly defined. In the artificial eggs they have become the major components; they are not beneficial to the human body. Artificial egg has little or no nutrition value compare with the real egg.
How to identify fake eggs: After opening the egg, egg white and egg yolk will soon mix together.
1. Fake egg’s shell is a little shinier than the real egg, but it is not very noticeable.
2. When touch the fake egg by hand, it feels a little rougher than the real egg.
3. Shake the fake egg will make some noises, because water overflows from the solid agent.
4. Real egg smells a little like raw meat.
5. Tap the egg lightly. Real egg makes a more crisp sound than the fake egg.
6. Shortly after opening the fake egg, egg yolk and egg white will melt together. This is because the egg yolk and egg white are made of the same raw materials.
7. When frying a fake egg, the yolk will spread without being touched.
Pour “egg yolk liquid” into the mold about 2/3 full, and put it into calcium chloride water. Shake it slightly so that egg yolk appears to have a thin layer of membrane. Soak the “egg yolk” in calcium chloride water for one hour, then wash it and dry it for later use.
Assalamualaikum doc..
Golongan 'kutip untung tak kira cara apa' sangat membimbangkan.
Kawan saya berasa dulu pernah beli telur macam gini. Katanya, telur tu fizikalnya macam busuk. Tapi tak jadi telur tembelang pula..
Berapa % produk mereka di pasaran kita agaknya ya. wicked.
salam ziarah..
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superb techniqe I have already surprised dozen of my friends with this.
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